Joanna Myles

Joanna Myles

Joanna Myles

Printmaking | Painting | Mixed Media


07757 180533

“I’m a printmaker, painter and potter. Working across mediums helps me communicate and manifest my belief that you should surround yourself with beautiful objects that bring joy.

A child of Lewes, I was bought up around the print tables of Clothkits, a child model in their catalogues for many years. Nowadays you’ll find me in my own studio hand-printing my own wallpaper, painting landscapes & still life compositions and enjoying my journey into the world of ceramics.

I am amidst a research project into the late, great Peggy Angus with hopes to host a major retrospective of her work and far reaching influence in the near future ”

Rosie Wooldridge

Skelton Workshops

Skelton Workshops