Lizzie Hillier

Lizzie Hillier

Lizzie Hillier

Fine Art Printmaking


“I’m a Fine Art Printmaker creating bold abstract works primarily using screen print. Dynamic textures and expansive fields of colour suffuse my work. My practice is grounded in the opposing characteristics of logical and intuitive decision-making. Balance is derived from the continual play between directness, immediacy, chance and structure to create uplifting and atmospheric works.

Gestural energetic marks evoke elements of land, sea and sky. The work acts as a conduit, distilling my experience of the environment through colour, texture and shape. Experimenting with translucency and opacity, colours are layered to create depth and vibrancy. Navigating a diametric visual language, the work explores relational components in search of balance.

Within my pieces I examine elements of perfection and discord. A fluid visual conversation fuels an unfolding investigation. Each layer is a waypoint, mapping the print story. Traversing the concrete and wilderness of human experience, distilling feeling and memory.”

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