Rounded By

Rounded By

Lucy Thomas

Customised Upholstered Footstools | Workshops

Lewes | @roundedby

07958 476979

“I create upholstered modern custom footstools using 100% natural and recycled materials; these pieces, simple and useful, are made for life, not landfill.

Noting that the footstools offer none of the corners that so frustrate upholstery newcomers, I thought that they made the perfect one day ‘make your own’ workshop and now run these monthly at The Paddock Art Studios, Lewes - people come, learn, make, and leave with their own footstool.

Originally trained as a prop maker at Central School of Speech and Drama, I fell into film marketing for years, before realising how much I missed making, so began training in traditional upholstery at Thomas Calton Centre, and then in more depth at The Good Life Centre, both in London. I run a ‘regular’ upholstery practice (re-covers, repairs, reupholstery) from my home workshop on Lewes High Street.

Please do holler with commissions, projects, bookings and queries!”

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